Fortress: The Successor to Fortran?


One would assume that the successor to Fortran would be called either Nextran or Fivetran.

The Fortress Language Specification (PDF) 的 Overview 裡面看起來,這是一個物件導向的程式語言:

Two basic concepts in Fortress are object and trait.

. . .

Traits are like interfaces in the JavaTM programming language except that traits may declare concrete methods, which have bodies.

Fortress 其名是來自於 "secure Fortran", /. 說這個 Sun 經由 DARPA 資助所開發出來的東西,想要能取代 Fortran 來成為高能計算領域下一個主流語言。

前一陣子 GCC 4.0 才發佈g95 聽說是快要進入 GCC 裡面了。在 Fortran 的世界繼續進步,而愈來愈多的程式員移到 C++ 、 GSL ,又有 numpynumarrayscipy 等等方便好用的整合工具的情況之下,Fortress 有什麼市場?

Posted by yungyuc at 10:37, 0 comment, 0 trackback.
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